Microsoft Bing の Image Creator を使用しています。
- ハートの花びらに囲まれ、幸せそうに微笑むピンクのインコ。プロ写真。
- シードを食べ幸せそうに微笑む水玉インコ。プロ写真。最高品質。背景純白。・幸せそうに笑って口を開け目を閉じる水色のインコ。プロ写真。
- 幸せそうに微笑んで寄り添っている、ピンクとシルバーのインコと黄色とオレンジのインコ。プロ写真。最高品質。背景純白。
- 幸せそうに微笑んでいる白いインコ。空を飛んでいる。プロ写真。





- ハートの花びらに囲まれ、幸せそうに微笑むピンクのネコ。プロ写真。
- シードを食べ幸せそうに微笑む水玉ラット。プロ写真。最高品質。背景純白。
- 幸せそうに笑って口を開け目を閉じる水色の魚。プロ写真。
- 幸せそうに微笑んで寄り添っている、ピンクとシルバーのフェレットと黄色とオレンジのゴールデンレトリーバー。プロ写真。最高品質。背景純白。
- 幸せそうに微笑んでいる白いフルーツバット。空を飛んでいる。プロ写真





英文Ver. (プロンプトは赤文字)
The theme of this year’s AI image generation is
“Smiling parrot”.
The prompt is a short Japanese word. So, it is easy to create AI images!
We will also show an image in which the “parrot” in the prompt is replaced by another animal.
Please feel free to use any of the prompts that interest you.
This blog also uses the free
This blog uses Microsoft Bing Image Creator , which is available free of charge.
Now, let me introduce the prompts and images.
Five Japanese prompts and images
- Pink parrot smiling happily surrounded by heart petals. Pro tiPhoto.
- A polka dot parrot smiling happily as it eats a seed. Professional photo. Top quality. Pure white background.
- Light blue parrot with happy smile, mouth open and eyes closed. Professional photo.
- Pink and silver parakeet and yellow and orange parakeet smiling and cuddling happily. Pros. Top quality. Pure white background.
- White parrot smiling happily. Flying in the sky. Pro Photo.

[incantation] Pink parrot smiling happily surrounded by heart petals. Pro tiPhoto.

[incantation] A polka dot parrot smiling happily as it eats a seed. Professional photo. Top quality. Pure white background.

[incantation] Light blue parrot with happy smile, mouth open and eyes closed. Professional photo.

[incantation] Pink and silver parakeet and yellow and orange parakeet smiling and cuddling happily. Pros. Top quality. Pure white background.

[incantation] White parrot smiling happily. Flying in the sky. Pro Photo.
Animal prompts and images other than “parrot.”
- A pink cat smiles happily surrounded by heart petals. Professional photo.
- A polka-dot rat smiles happily as it eats a seed. Professional photo. Top quality. Pure white background.
- A light blue fish is smiling happily, mouth open, eyes closed. This is a professional photo.
- Pink and silver ferret and yellow and orange golden retriever smiling and cuddling happily. Pro photo. Top quality. Pure white background.
- White fruit bat smiling happily. Flying in the sky. Professional photo

[incantation]A pink cat smiles happily surrounded by heart petals. Professional photo.

[incantation]A polka-dot rat smiles happily as it eats a seed. Professional photo. Top quality. Pure white background.

[incantation]A light blue fish is smiling happily, mouth open, eyes closed. This is a professional photo.

[incantation]Pink and silver ferret and yellow and orange golden retriever smiling and cuddling happily. Pro photo. Top quality. Pure white background.

[incantation]White fruit bat smiling happily. Flying in the sky. Professional photo
Was it easy to make?^^
With 5 prompts, we were able to create a “parrot’s smile.
Generating animals other than parakeets is also easy, so even beginners can easily try AI image generation.
You can also change the color of the animals!
We hope you enjoy creating images of various animals.
And as a pet owner, I would be very happy if my pet has a happy smile like the one shown in the generated image.
Let’s enjoy AI image generation together next time!
See you soon!
【Live2D Cubism】