Microsoft Bing の Image Creator を使用しています。
- ピンクと黄緑の美しいグラデーションの羽を持つセキセイインコ。嬉しそうな笑顔。桜餅が好き
- 水色セキセイインコに恋する黄色いセキセイインコ。微笑んでいる。幸せそう。食パン。カフェで告白
- 大きなダイヤの指輪に包まれてしあわせそうに寄り添う白のセキセイインコとピンクのセキセイインコ
- 花を咥えてプレゼントする水色セキセイインコに寄り添う白いセキセイインコ
- ピンクのお姫様のセキセイインコ。青の王子様のセキセイインコ。お城でデートをしている。プロ写真
- 白と黄色の2匹のネコ。嬉しそうな笑顔。好きな気持ち
- 白い犬に恋する黄色いモルモット。微笑んでいる。幸せそう。食パン。カフェで告白
- 大きなダイヤの指輪に包まれてしあわせそうに寄り添う白ウサギとベージュのうさぎ。プロ写真
- 花を咥えてプレゼントする水色のトカゲに寄り添う白いトカゲ
- お姫様のミーアキャット。王子様の亀。お城でデートをしている。プロ写真
- 「インコ」で作れる画像でも、他のどうぶつでは上手く生成できないプロンプトがあった。
- インコのカラー指定をそのまま使うと違和感のあるどうぶつがいた。
- プロンプトをつくりなおす。
- 違和感のないカラー指定に変更する。
ココナラでイラストを発注英文Ver. (プロンプトは赤文字)
I want to be touched by pure love…
I want to coo at the sight of cute animals…
This time
I have created an AI image of “animals cuddling up together”.
Let’s be smitten by the sight of cute animals, including parakeets, snuggling up together.
Spells (prompts) are also available.
The “English Ver.” introduces the English prompts.
You can make the same image as the Japanese prompt.
Please feel free to use the prompts that interest you.
In addition, this blog uses Microsoft Bing’s Image Creator, which is free.
This blog uses Microsoft Bing’s Image Creator, which is available for free.
Now, let me introduce the prompts and images.
5 Japanese prompts and images
- Spellbinding budgies with beautiful pink and yellow-green gradient feathers. 2 budgies. Happy smiles. Cherry blossom tree. Professional photo.
- A yellow budgie in love with a light blue budgie. Smiling. Looks happy. Bread. Confession at a cafe.
- A white budgie and a pink budgie cuddling happily wrapped in a large diamond ring.
- A white budgie snuggling up to a light blue budgie presenting flowers in its mouth.
- Pink princess budgies. A blue prince budgie. They are on a date at a castle. Prophoto.
[incantation] Spellbinding budgies with beautiful pink and yellow-green gradient feathers. 2 budgies. Happy smiles. Cherry blossom tree. Professional photo.
[incantation] A yellow budgie in love with a light blue budgie. Smiling. Looks happy. Bread. Confession at a cafe.
[incantation] A white budgie and a pink budgie cuddling happily wrapped in a large diamond ring.
[incantation] A white budgie snuggling up to a light blue budgie presenting flowers in its mouth.
[incantation] Pink princess budgies. A blue prince budgie. They are on a date at a castle. Prophoto.
Animal prompts and pictures other than “parakeets.”
- Two cats, one white and one yellow. Happy smiles. Likes.
- A yellow guinea pig in love with a white dog. Smiling. Looks happy. Bread. Confession at a cafe.
- A white rabbit and a beige rabbit cuddling happily wrapped in a large diamond ring. Professional photo
- A white lizard cuddling up to a light blue lizard presenting flowers in its mouth.
- The princess meerkat. The prince tortoise. Dating in a castle. Professional Photo
[incantation] Two cats, one white and one yellow. Happy smiles. Likes.
[incantation] A yellow guinea pig in love with a white dog. Smiling. Looks happy. Bread. Confession at a cafe.
[incantation] A white rabbit and a beige rabbit cuddling happily wrapped in a large diamond ring. Professional photo
[incantation] A white lizard cuddling up to a light blue lizard presenting flowers in its mouth.
[incantation] The princess meerkat. The prince tortoise. Dating in a castle. Professional Photo
How to solve the problem when an image cannot be created properly
I will tell you what was difficult in generating AI images up to this point, and how to solve the problem simply.
I am writing about the obvious, but it is surprisingly difficult ^^:
Please try various AI images by controlling the separation and the edge of the image.
There were some prompts that could be created with “parakeet” but not with other animals.
Some animals looked uncomfortable when using the parrot’s color specification as it is.
Create a new prompt.
Change the color specification to one that does not look out of place.
Let’s create happy images of animals and be healed!
Animals are more precious than ever.
It is also possible to create cute AI images using your animals as models.
AI image generation is a very creative and wonderful tool.
If you haven’t tried it yet, why don’t you enjoy it with us?
We will continue to provide fun AI image creation for children and adults alike.
See you soon!
【XP-PEN】 公式ストア